Table of Contents


CousinCraft is an idea I have had for a while, and am finally implementing. It is a hosted MineCraft server where Claire's cousins can join her in playing MineCraft. In order to make the game more fun it also includes a Mumble server so the cousins can talk to each other over the internet.

Right now CousinCraft will only be open to cousins of Claire Nelson-Peterman. I may revisit this restriction in the future, but the idea is to have safe place for cousins to play, and a personal connection with the parents so if any bad behavior happens we can correct it quickly.

MineCraft Server

The MineCraft server is a survival server with minimal mods. As things progress I might add different mods as requested by the cousins. The initial limit will be 15 players at a time, and if we exceed that regularly we can bump it up as needed.

Mumble Server

The Mumble server is not being used at this time. We are using Skype instead.


The rules are a work in progress, and will change frequently at the beginning. The first rule will always be the same - Don't be mean.

  1. Don't be mean
  2. Respect other people's property. This means houses, farms, animals, mines, chests and any other things made or owned by others.
  3. CousinCraft is an invite-only server - you need to get your MineCraft name on the whitelist by contacting Randy via text or email
  4. If you break a rule then parents will find out and an appropriate consequence will be handed out.
  5. No building or destroying in the spawn area.

Setting up CousinCraft

First, you need to have Minecraft installed on a PC. Because of limitations in the software, Xbox and pocket editions of MineCraft cannot connect to the server. If you need to install or get MineCraft please go to

After you get Minecraft set up you need to send Randy and email with your MineCraft username so it can be put on the server whitelist. Only accounts that are whitelisted will have access to the server.

MineCraft Connection Information

  1. Start up Minecraft
  2. From the Minecraft Launcher select a profile that opens version 1.7.10
    1. If you need help creating a profile go here
  3. Press the [Play] button on the launcher
  4. Select the “Multiplayer” option
  5. In the server address line put the following:
  6. Press the [Join Server] button and you should be connected!

Mumble Setup and Connection Information

Mumble is not being used, but I am leaving this here in case we use it in the future.

You will need a microphone and speakers. It is best to have a USB headset, which will keep you conversations less intrusive, and the built-in microphone will make it easier for others to hear you. You can get decent headsets for under $15

  1. Download Mumble from here
  2. Install Mumble based on the instructions on the website
  3. IMPORTANT! Go through the set up steps with your speakers and microphone (headset) working

Connect to the CousinCraft Mumble serve by entering this address in the Mumble server properties: