Here is what the baby wants us to buy / acquire before she is born. We have actually collected a large number of things for the baby, but she is still demanding more.
May 2005 note: Claire is less greedy now. Amazingly, she appears to be content with what she has (so far).
Purchased! A new car (really, we legally needed a car with a back seat to transport the infant)
Recieved! Blankets - we have a lot, but more are always welcome if that's what you want to give the baby
Received, and many thanks! Burp cloths
More cute clothes - we have recieved a lot of cute clothes from many wonderful people, and also from some not so wonderful people [lawyers, this means you :) ]
Purchased!Baby care book (Dr. Spock, etc.)
Recieved! Lots of onesies - We have about 30 onsies, which we hear is a one week supply. randy will be doing laundry weekly, so we should be set!
Purchased!Diaper bag